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Massage & Bodywork


Release, Relax, Unwind


Welcome to Malvern Massage & Bodywork

I trained with the Bristol College of Massage & Bodywork at The Fold in Bransford in 2012 in Holistic Massage and qualified with the Massage Training Institute, also my professional body. MTI has been the ‘gold standard’ for Holistic Massage since 1988. I was Regional Representative for the MTI Midlands Region supporting other therapists from 2012 to 2015. I have a professional Massage and Bodywork practice in Malvern  working from my Therapy Studio. I am registered with the CNHC, a body setup by the government to protect the public. I am fully insured.


In 2018 I began training with David Lauterstein from Austin, Texas in his Deep Massage method. Deep massage is a unique soft tissue therapy which works consciously and simultaneously with energy and structure to dramatically amplify the health of body, mind and spirit. Deep in this context is not the physical depth of the work but the depth of engagement. 

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Malvern Massage & Bodywork





Massage and Bodywork is nurturing touch of the whole person. It affects all aspects, including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

I work with you responding to how you are today, there is no routine treatment so every massage will be different, just for you.

When parts of the body are in stress or tension they can be touched through a range of techniques so that there is a response that can help bring improvements to circulation, muscle and nervous function and joint mobility on a physical level.

This then helps you to relax which aids the healing process and increases your wellbeing and emotional health. In essence the actual 'work' is ultimately done by the person, you, stimulated by healing touch.

"When you touch one thing with deep awareness,
 you touch everything.

- Lao Tzu 


Sessions last one hour. For new clients allow one and a quarter hours to include a consultation. This gives you the opportunity to explain your needs and for me to agree the appropriate approach for the session.

B E F O R E  T H E  M A S S A G E 

After the consultation I leave the room so that you can undress and cover yourself with a soft warm fluffy sheet on the massage table. There is a stool for you to use if you need it.

You do not have to remove all (or any) of your clothes, we will discuss this together. If you are unable to get onto the massage table the massage may be done in a chair.

When I return the massage will start. I use unscented massage oil as needed and will support your body with bosters or pillows to make you comfortable.

D U R I N G  T H E  M A S S A G E 

It's your massage, you are in charge, so I always check that the pressure and approach is ok for you and that you feel safe. I only uncover parts of your body during the time that I am working on them. I always seek your permission for what I do and you can let me know of any concerns or if you would like anything different. Feedback helps the work we do together. 

A F T E R   T H E  M A S S A G E 

At the end of the session I will leave the room to wash my hands while you gather yourself and get up to dress. If you need help off the table I will assist you. There is water for you to drink to refresh yourself and re-hydrate. We can talk briefly about the session if you wish, make arrangements for any follow up session if required and take your payment.

your massage

If you are a new client please telephone 07811 537345 for an appointment or to discuss how I may be able to help you. 


Appointments are available starting 11am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday. Except closed on Thursdays.


The cost of a one hour session is £50. Concessions are available for those on low or limited income plus NHS staff of £40 and £35. A block of 3 sessions booked and paid for in advance is charged at £135. Payments can be made via PayPal, Bank Transfer, Cheque or cash on the day. A first appointment lasts an extra 15 minutes for a detailed consultation at no additional charge.


Tel: 07811 537345  Email:




New clients, please telephone me in the first instance for a brief discussion of your needs. You may request a call back using the Contact Form.

I will email you directions to my Therapy Studio after you have booked an appointment.

Click Here for

Appointments and Prices

Thanks, I will be in touch soon

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